T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update
T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update is an automatic update system by Internet. It allows developers or other persons to create an update system for their softwares, files and documents. For the end-user, the update process becomes a child's play ! With just a few clicks, He can obtain the last version of the software, files and documents he uses.
Functions currently available :
- Creation of directories;
- Removal of directories;
- Removal of directories and their whole content;
- Detection of the size of the files to download;
- Downloading of files;
- Error 404 support;
- Removal of files;
- Launching executable files and waiting or not for the end of their execution;
- Display of messages;
- Series of updates;
- Multilingual support (currently available in French and English);
- Microsoft® Windows® XP Themes support;
- etc.
T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update is completely free of charge like all the existing T.C.E.D.I. softwares.
Two versions of T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update are available. A version is free and the other not.
If you wish to use T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update with a free software, it is recommended to employ the free version of T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update which is provided with the sources-codes and which can be modified and redistributed in agreement with the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
If on the other hand, you wish to use T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update with a not-free software, you are only allowed to employ the not-free version of T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update. The not-free version is provided with T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update Creator, the creation wizard of automatic update systems by Internet, but also with the T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update Run Time Pack.
T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update has been developed under Visual Basic 6.0 with the Service Pack 6. If you do not have Visual Basic 6.0 with the Service Pack 6 or its Run Time, you have to download the T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update Run Time Pack which includes the files necessary to the execution of any program created with Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 as well as the Comctl32.ocx component. T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update Run Time Pack is included in the not-free version of T.C.E.D.I. Direct Update. To include the Run Time Pack in the setup of your software, you can use the /VERYSILENT parameter in order to install it in silent mode.